Das SubstratThe SubstratumСубстратLe Substrat基 质

The Substratum

XERO TERR for all plant communities

The exceptional living-conditions of our plants require a special substratum.

The founders of XERO FLOR have developed the Extensive Substratum XERO TERR and have created a replica of the natural environment of a roof in this substratum. It is constructed on a mineral basis and can reliably nourish the plants. A structure of pores garantees a perfect water reservoir and excellent airing. XERO TERR is absolutely immune against frost, wind, water, and negative mechanical influence.

XERO TERR in different mixures to suit different plant communities

The Extensive Substratum XERO TERR is the basis and guarantee for successful roof cultivations. It answers to extremely high requirements in order to preserve the plants durably and safely.

XERO TERR guarantees the perfect nourishment for the roof vegetation:

The nourishing substances are custom-made for plants that can exist in a dry environment. In addition, they support the multiplication and growth of our plants. These substances are stored in clay minerals and are continuously set free. Calcium and ph- grades are consistently stabilized.

XERO TERR ensures a perfect water balance:

Thanks to a well-balanced pore-structure, the substratum can store a considerable water-supply.

The structure also ensures a high air-volume, even if completely saturated by water. After a period of dryness, the substratum resumes storing water without any problems. 

XERO TERR is durable:

XERO TERR keeps its ideal structure year in and out, because the substratum is absolutely resistant against  age, wind and water-erosion. Neither does it shift its position nor does watering have any negative influence on it whatsoever.

Thus the drain and filter layers are certain to function durably.