Projects and Suggestions
The green construction of your roof
The typical expert on planing and construction usually has not got the slightest idea about plants and their special demands.
On the other hand, an expert specialized only in plants might endanger the substance of your building. That is why we combine all specialized knowledge in our advisory package. We know all about the delicate balance that is involved in a "roof environment".
Your New House:
We offer advice in planning your roof's construction and explain to you how the roof should be isolated sufficiently, and what forms of connections must be installed for watering and drainage.
You Renovating Project:
We test and evaluate the present roof isolation. We develop plans for alterations and advise you on the neccessary connections for watering and drainage.
Our extremely efficient deliverers and/or our associates will supply you with calculations on temperature isolation, steam diffusion, and the neccessary statics for your green roof, be it flat or slanted.
Planing the Vegetation:
We develop custom-made plans for your unique building, taking in account the building's construction and the possibilties for greenery that its natural environment offers.
We are delighted to have a number of excellent partners with whom we have been working together for many years, and who are most efficient in helping us to realize our plans, as there were: manufacturers and the special producers of pre-cultivated vegetation mats, rolled lawn, and shrubs.
The Value and the Effects of the Green Roof
Enlarging our natural environment; doing this - if you lack a garden - with the help of your roof
Town-planers know that there is but little room left in our towns and cities. What is left of nature is increasingly being devoured by houses, industrial areas, streets, and parking-lots. This leaves us without the possibility to recreate ourselves by viewing a piece of mind-resting nature. What would be more logical than to install green oases on empty and ugly roofs? It would supply our homes and our working-places with more peace and beauty. Town-planers are aware of the fact that green roofs can make our cities more livable and contribute to our human welfare.
The ecologist knows that apart from restraining further building-activity, the only way to supply a city with sufficient vegetation would be to find new niches for planting. Especially in times of productional boom, involving the building of many new factories and diminishing green areas, it ought to be demanded by law that compensation for "lost green" should be made by the builders and developers. Only then could we ensure that our rainwater could be released from its all too quick cycle (from the sky to the roofs and then directly into the sewage system), thus supplying us with a better and more healthy humidity in the air that surrounds us.
Green roofs lead to more moderate temperatures, they capture dust and decrease noise. True, green roofs cannot compare with trees as oxygen-producers, but they certainly help to diminish CO, a thing a simple gravel roof cannot do. Ecologists agree that green roofs help to improve our climate.
Houseowners know that a green roof is a very effective protection for their house.
Whereas a normal roof has to cope with temperature-differences between 80-20 degrees Celsius, a green roof is always well-tempered, leading to equally good-tempered inhabitants, who do not have to fry under a hot stone roof in Summer or pay astronomical heating-costs in Winter. A green roof at the most will have a temperature difference of 30 degrees.This means that the roof's material is not victim to strong temperature-strain. In addition, it is immune to dangerous ultraviolet light-influence, electric smog and mechanical damage. The roof helps to save costs in energy, wastewater, fire-insurance, heating, and air-conditioning. On top of everything, a green roof increases the value of a house by protecting its inhabitants from noise-pollution.