Clarifying Marsh Area
Artificial ponds, lakes or marshes have in common that they require a special isolating-system which is adapted to their unique requirements, depending on the volume of the basin and the type of soil it is positioned in.

These water-systems require a great deal of maintenance, owing to the sensitivity of the element water, especially concerning ph-values.
Water is an environment that calls for intensive care and control, if one wants to be sure of good results.
Constructing Ponds and Artificial Lakes
Ponds and lakes are constructed ideally adapted to their unique situation.
This means considering a list of aspects, as for example the possibilty of freezing, aggressive ground-conditions, irregular undergrounds, the tedency of the ground to retain or drain away water, and of course questions of local building restrictions.
Far from wanting to discourage anyone from installing a pond or lake - after all, a natural lake is certainly more priceworthy than a swimming-pool and benifits our ecology - we think it important to stress that the actual planning and construction take some time, professional knowledge and care.